I am worried about someone- it may be a safeguarding incident - who should I tell?

St Andrews Redruth

St Andrews Pencoys

St Euny Redruth

St Stephens Treleigh

Christchurch Lanner

Wes Bell

Margaret DuPlessey

Jason Hoole-Jackson

Robin Knight

Mary Anson

What Training do you need to do: 

Click here for a chart : training-poster-Nov-24.pdf 

Use this link to do the online courses for

  • Basic awareness
  • Foundation
  • Raising awareness of Domestic Abuse
  • Safer Recruitment and People Management
  • Modern slavery and human Trafficking


Leadership Training – is available online using the same link.  And instructions for the course can be found at this link 3 Safeguarding Leadership Training  or https://trurodiocese.org.uk/resources/safeguarding/training-safeguarding/sg-training/leadership-training/

FACE to Face Training:

There will be a Basic awareness Face to face event at Camborne church hall at 2:30 on Sunday 19th January and Foundation Training in Crowan Church on the 26th January.

We will repeat these two courses in Redruth, at Treleigh Church Hall at 7pm on March 6th and March 13th.  

There will be some Face to Face Leadership Training organised by the Diocese in the new year.

It would probably be beneficial for the whole PCC to renew their Awareness of Domestic Abuse together, perhaps on ZOOM- perhaps that could be discussed at the next PCC.

DBS Requirements

Information can be found at this link: https://trurodiocese.org.uk/resources/safeguarding/training-safeguarding/dbs/

For Redruth Parish DBS checks contact Simon in the Parish office (next to the crypt in St Andrews)  enquiries@redruthchurch.org.uk

Simon will send you a link and a code to fill in the first part of the DBS application online.  When you have done that you contact Simon again to arrange a time to show him your identification documents.

Each Church has a safeguarding officer, someone who is there most weeks who is approachable and you can chat to in confidence knowing they have had training and knows who to go to.

Jim  is Safeguarding coordinator for the benefice and collates reports from the officers and liaises with the diocese as well as training around the diocese. 

Safeguarding is very important to us and anyone volunteering to work with vulnerable adults or children will have a DBS check and will go through a safer recruitment procedure. We follow the Church of England Safeguarding policy. See below for useful links.

Watch the original video with sound here: t the foot of this page. 

Contact our Safeguarding Team