St Stephens Church - Treleigh

OUR CHURCH- Christine Cunningham
Has a Primary School, Busy Bees Nursery, Popular Pub (Treleigh Arms), Animal Hospital, Industrial Estate and two fairly new small housing complexes as neighbours.
The mainly elderly congregation enjoy a traditional style Sung Eucharist at 11.15am each Sunday with the exception of the 1st Sunday in the month when, more recently, a more Informal HC Service was introduced that has been widely accepted and enjoyed by all.
A weekly Said service of HC is held at 10am each Thursday after which the Church remains open until noon for anyone to join us for tea/coffee, biscuits and a chat or if preferred private prayer or the lighting of a votive candle.
The Church Porch is known as the Wayside Chapel where anyone can sit quietly and/or leave a prayer on the notice board or prayer tree. This was a very special place for many during Covid when churches were either closed or restricted. There are always fresh flowers in the arched windows on either side of the porch, in one, a battery candle is kept in memory of two pupils who attended Treleigh Primary School and in the other a candle was placed at the start of the War in Ukraine and will continue to be ‘lit’ until there is peace.
Church Members are always keen to support services in their sister churches whether it be a Benefice Service, Evensong, Healing Service or 1st Sunday events.
St. Stephen’s, Treleigh has a newly refurbished hall close by with kitchen and toilets including access for the disabled. Adjacent to the hall is the Hawthorn Garden where the Annual Summer Fete is held and it is also a bonus for those people hiring the hall.
The Martial Arts Group meet twice weekly and the Brownies weekly.
The Songs of Praise services that were to be held al fresco in the past 2 years have sadly had to be held in the hall because of the weather but was still enjoyed by all.
The Church itself was redecorated in 2021 and the choir pews in the south transept were removed leaving a carpeted space for quiet prayer, being near the votive candle stand, but also can be used for a musical instrument space eg.keyboard.
At the yearly ‘Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Initiative’ is supported by the church members who set up the prayer stations and steward the church throughout the day.
There is a carpeted Children’s area at the back of the church.
Although the churchyard is closed for burials there is a Cremation Memorial Garden.
St. Stephen’s Church, Treleigh
Upper Room Group first started for Lent and Advent courses but has been keenly continued and attended as a house group.
Good Friday Stations of the Cross in the Hawthorn Garden Annual Summer Garden Fete Christmas Fayre Pets Service Remembering Service especially for those who have lost loved ones in the previous year.
Church Crib Service on Christmas Eve
Treleigh School hold their Christingle and Nativity Services in church with the support from the ministry team and congregation members.
Treleigh School Choir lead the Christmas Carol Service and all the children are given Treat bags.
Occasional concerts eg choir or as last year, Christmas Concert by the Skyliners Big Band.
Ladies Group.
Weekly visits with the pew sheet to those congregation members who are no longer able to attend church in person.
Churchyard Tidying Mornings with refreshments.
The well supported Food Bank Collection by members of the Church was moved to local supermarket collection points as this was easier for collection by the Foodbank drivers.
I realise this may be too much or in the wrong place but it seemed that Treleigh had only the Ladies Group in this category? Please feel free to change, omit or correct!
St Stephens Treleigh
The church was consecrated and opened on 26th September 1866 and is situated on the outskirts of Redruth in the Parish of Treleigh, traditionally a farming and mining community. The church paths are regularly used by dog walkers, people attending graves and by parents bringing their children to the Primary school nearby. There is a good connection with the school, the children coming into the church twice a term for assembly and the school is very involved at Christmas with Nativity and Christingle services and the choir sing at the Carol Service.
We are mainly an ageing but welcoming congregation and we have a more traditional Sung Eucharist Service at 11.15am each Sunday with the exception of the 1st Sunday of the month when there is an Informal HC service, mostly with the big screen which portrays the order of service, hymns and any accompanying video relevant to the set bible readings for that day.
There is also a Said Holy Communion Service at 10am every Thursday after which the church is kept open until noon for visitors, prayers or just to join us for a cup of tea, biscuit and friendly chat.
There is a Treleigh Facebook page and an informative article about the church service/activities is written each week and sent to the local newspaper. Past congregation members who are no longer able to attend church in person are visited regularly with the weekly pew sheet.
Treleigh has the advantage of a recently refurbished hall and garden which is used by two regular groups and for social activities.
We are close to a busy road but with a real sense of peace and tranquillity existing in our churchyard, being full of birds and insects and in springtime a feast of primroses, bluebells and daffodils. It is very popular with dog walkers and children walking to the adjacent school.
Traditionally we have welcomed people from quite a wide area but this has diminished to a lesser degree. Aging and Covid19 has made a difference and we are looking for ways to bring back old and attract new people to Treleigh. We are planning closer links with Treleigh school by opening our hall some afternoons starting in the autumn term for tea and biscuits for parents waiting to collect their children. Twice a term services for both children and parents also came to an end with lockdown and with a new head in charge at the school we hope these will be reinstated in the autumn.
Several of our ‘flock’ attend weekly upper room sessions involving prayer, singing and discussion after watching some of the pilgrimage shows. The healing mass service is well supported by Treleigh.
Our church hall has been refurbished and is attracting more bookings, the adjoining Hawthorn gardens is a bonus outdoor space, with plans afoot to make the outside more attractive. We hold our annual summer fete in the garden and attracts people from far and wide with its friendly atmosphere.
Treleigh is like a second family, supportive in so many ways. The ladies group has met regularly for many years, more often than not it involves a visit to perhaps a garden centre to enjoy lunch with friends and a wander round the garden. The ladies are not all churchgoers and we welcome anyone to join us.
Our sense of belonging with our sister churches has grown immensely, helping each other in so many ways and forging closer friendships, and sharing God’s love in an uplifting and deeper level. We enjoy meeting in one church and worshipping together, but our own regular worship is of great importance still.
From it’s humble beginnings in the blacksmith shopback in the 1870’s we hope that we are keeping alive the Rev Manleys hopes and dreams for St Stephen’s Church, Treleigh for many years to come.

St Stephen’s is a lovely church tucked away on the North side of Redruth, it has become the family church for generations of local people and is still a living worshipping community. Treleigh church sits between Treleigh School and the Treleigh Arms just off the old Redruth bypass.
Our main service is 11:15 on Sundays but there is also the Thursday service at 10.00
Treleigh is extremely popular for weddings and baptisms – find out more through the church office.
The churchyard at Treleigh is now ‘closed’ which means that only graves that have already been purchased are now used for burials, although burials of ashes may still take place.
There is a good sized church hall, with adequate parking which is in the process of being refurbished.

The Summer Fayre, Christmas Fayre, congregation and Community churchyard cleaning, the ladies’ group and the home group are just a few of the things that go on outside of services here,