Sunday Services

9.30am St Andrew Redruth – Holy Communion (informal 1st Sundays)

9.30am Christchurch Lanner – Holy Communion

11.15am St Stephen Treleigh -Holy Communion (informal 1st Sundays)

11.15am St Euny – Holy Communion (2nd Sundays Service of the word)

11.15am Four Lanes Methodist Chapel – (alternate weeks)

11:15 St Andrew Pencoys (Four Lanes) Holy Communion alternating with the Methodist Church.

6pm Christchurch Lanner – First Sundays Event

6pm St Euny – Evensong (4th Sundays)


Mid week Holy Communion

St Andrew Redruth: Wednesdays 10am.

Christchurch Lanner: Wednesdays 11am.

St Euny: Wednesdays 1.30pm.

St Andrew Pencoys: Wednesdays 6pm.

St Stephen Treleigh: Thursdays 10am.