Ordained Team
Rev’d Becca Bell
is our Rector of the Parish of Redruth.
Tel: 07899 639068
Rev’d Chris Harrigan
is our Curate.
Tel: 07981 816361
Father Peter Fellows
is a retired priest and serves as Team Vicar for Christchurch Lanner and St. Andrew Pencoys.
Tel: 07903 807946
Rev’d Margaret Saville
is a retired priest and Chair of the Ministry Team.
Tel: 07930 471837
General Info
MARRIAGE enquiries and bookings: please email:
BAPTISM enquiries and bookings: please email:
St Euny Tower Captain: Ian Self i.self@cornishchurches.com
Five Alive magazine: magazine@redruthchurch.org.uk
Parish Admin: Simon Cooper enquiries@redruthchurch.org.uk
Items for the weekly Pew Sheet to Simon Cooper by Tuesday afternoon if possible, Wednesday morning at the latest.
is a Reader (Licensed Lay Minister). He leads services and preaches within the team and on the Local Methodist Circuit when he can. Jim is Chaplain to Readers in Truro Diocese. He is a volunteer safeguarding trainer for the diocese.
Website: readers-chaplain.org.uk
Mobile: 07803 501658
Mobile: 07866 391952
Booking a Church Hall
To enquire about St Andrew Redruth crypt hall please contact: Lez Seth – lezss@btinternet.com Telephone: 07597 202514
To enquire about Treleigh church hall please contact:
Carol Stewart – 07850 990605.
To enquire about St Euny church hall please email: enquiries@redruthchurch.org.uk
To enquire about Pencoys church hall in Four Lanes please contact:
Christine Walker – 01209 215850 or Brian and Sheila Gannaway – 01209 214069.
To enquire about Christchurch Lanner church hall please contact:
Margaret Davis – 01209 214470.
Pastoral Visiting Group Coordinators
St Andrew Pencoys: Father Peter Fellows.
Christchurch Lanner: Linda James.
St Stephen Treleigh: Anne Youlton.
St Euny: Jason Hoole-Jackson.
St Andrew Redruth: Pie Louis-Smith and Lavinia Green.
Other Contacts
St Andrews Church,
Clinton Road,
Redruth TR15 2QB
Tel: 01209 200739
(non-urgent answerphone only, please email if urgent)
Five Alive Editorial Team
We are part of the Deanery of Carnmarth North and the Diocese of Truro
The Bishop of Truro
Lis Escop
Tel: 01872 862657
Rural Dean
Rev’d Graham Adamson,
Rural Dean and Missioner of Carnmarth North Deanery
Cathedral Close
Tel: 01872 274351