It was a grey and mizzly afternoon in Redruth, but Bishop Philip was given the warmest of welcomes at the ancient parish church of St Euny, starting with a quick update on the history of the church which has resulted in the interesting first view of the Tudor bell tower standing alongside the Georgian church.
Thursday’s Open Cafe was in full swing and the Bishop met with the churchwarden, Lucie and outreach worker, Clare.
Following an offer of tea and cake, served by volunteers Margaret and Chris, the Bishop chatted to the craft group and demonstrated his prowess at playing the ukulele with the St. Euny Ukes.
A few rousing songs later and it was time to say farewell.
The open cafe is one of the projects run by Clare Brown, community outreach worker, on behalf of the DCC. Everyone is welcome to come along on a Thursday afternoon for tea, craft, company and music. There are also regular dog walks around Carn Brea which are held every six weeks or so. The next dog walk will meet at 10.30am outside St Euny Church on Saturday 30th March.
There is a chance to join in with the ukulele playing and crafts on Thursday afternoons. Volunteers are always welcome, as are any people who just want to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Please feel free to find out for yourselves.